Friday, August 23, 2013


April 29, 1865

 Pottsville miners Journal .

There was terrible mining accident Six men killed by the breaking of a slow change. On Tuesday afternoon last a terrible accident happened at the colliery of Mr. John Doherty, Mine Hill, this County. By the breaking of a slope chain, by which six miners were instantly killed, and one was seriously injured. It seems that the unfortunate men were being hoisted to the top of the slope in a wagon, and when it reached to within 15 yards of the top, the chain broke. The wagon descended with frightful velocity during the this decent the door opened in consequence of the wagon striking the timber, and the men were thrown out. The names of the men who were killed our, William Sharp, John Hodges, Alfred Hodges, John Mitchell, Michael Shannon and Thomas Ferguson. The injured man is Michael Gaynor  who  is. though  badly injured it is thought that he will recover. Inquests were held by the corner, and verdicts rendered in accordance with the facts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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