Seeing I haven't put anything on the blog since January, today seemed like a good day. actaully it was a perfect day for a road trip. Hope you all enjoy the photo's
The memorial to the slain Miners at Lattimer. What a sad part of Coal Region History.
Another view of the plate listing the slain miners.
The State Marker at the Memorial.
Back end of one of the big shovels on the road to Beaver Meadows.
Lookin down "The Coal Town Road"
Two shovels just sittin around waitin fer some work.
My wife and her Miata waitin for me to get done.
A big shovel on the horizon near Oakdale
Then the coal company came,
with the worlds largest shovel,
They stripped all the timber,
and tortured the land
Well they dug for their coal till the land was forsaken,
Then they wrote it all down,
as the progress of man!
John Prine's Paradise.
I really found it. This has got to be the Highway To Hell!
The end of the line, this was really weird it just dropped off to about a 300 ft. plunge.
Cool looking Church, St. Mary's Orthodox in Coaldale.
The entrance to the Salem Hill Mine mid way between Pottsville and Port Carbon on Rt 209. It looks like somebody has broken the old gate. But the old mine is still flooded and pouring water out into the Little Schuylkill River.
Looking toward Rt 209 where the cars crossed under the road to the breaker over in Palo Alto.
Lookin down toward the river.
Lookin at the entrance to Salem Hill from the little bridge on Rt. 209
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